Return Policy Details

How do refunds and returns work on Tuilly?

Sellers aren’t required to accept returns, exchanges, or provide a refund unless stated in their shop policies. Go to the shop's homepage and scroll to the bottom to see the shop's policies.

If the seller is willing to accept this return, be sure to settle on the details in a message before returning the item:

  • Where you should send the return
  • What time frame does the seller wish to receive the return
  • Who will be responsible for the cost of return shipping, if not written in the shop's policies
  • What shipping method to use

What should I do if the seller doesn’t refund my order, or if the seller doesn’t accept returns?

If the seller doesn’t allow refunds or returns, you may be able to open a case with Tuilly.

Cases can be opened if:

  • You never receive your order
  • Your order wasn’t as it was described on Tuilly

What are shop policies?

Each seller on Tuilly is responsible for their own policies regarding refunds, exchanges, and returns. Policies vary from shop to shop.

Before making a purchase, you should review the shop’s Returns & exchanges policy.

The seller wasn’t able to help me.

If the seller is unable to help you, you can open a case. Choose your order, then select Open a case at the bottom of the page.

I checked out as a guest.

If you checked out as a guest, you can email us at